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The HaBO Village Podcast

Entrepreneur: Personality or Position? [Podcast]

December 29, 2020

Episode 136: Michael and Kathryn discuss and debate the definition of the word, Entrepreneur. This particular fuzzy term gets kicked around a lot in the business world, so if you aren't sure you'd call yourself an entrepreneur or think it might just...

Best Practices for Business Leaders Stuck in a Rut [Podcast]

December 22, 2020

Episode 135: Michael and Kathryn talk about how easy it is for business leaders to get stuck in a rut, and tips for getting unstuck. If you feel like 2020 had you spinning your wheels and you want to get back on the road to achieving your goals,...

How to Survive an Entrepreneurial Seizure [Podcast]

December 15, 2020

Episode 134: Michael and Kathryn talk about entrepreneurial seizures and what to do after you've had one. People start businesses for many reasons, but might not have the 3 things in place needed to beat the business failure rate: A clear vision, a...

3 Reasons to Invest in Your Employees [Podcast]

December 8, 2020

Episode 133: Michael and Kathryn talk about why business leaders should invest in their employees and how this will ultimately transform morale, improve retention, and increase profit. If you've ever struggled with prioritizing company culture,...

The 2 Key Characteristics of a Good Leader [Podcast]

November 17, 2020

Episode 131: Michael and Kathryn talk about the 2 main characteristics of a good leader: being self-defined and being a non-anxious presence. Business leaders will always impact those around them (negatively or positively), so find out if your...

Dealing with Complexity - Why It's Not Business as Usual [Podcast]

November 3, 2020

Episode 130: Michael and Kathryn talk about why it's so difficult for business leaders to handle growing complexity (especially in 2020). Find out what Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity have to do with your business amidst local and...

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