Put some clear and concise content in here. Keep your reader in mind. What are they trying to do? What are they hoping to learn? Why are they reading this? Help them out and use the tone and voice of your organization.
Episode 115: Michael and Kathryn interview Kyle Gorman, Human Resource expert and Founder of Employer Blueprint, on the secrets of small business hiring, leadership, and developing healthy company cultures. If you've ever experienced a bad hire, and...
Episode 16: In this episode, Michael and Kathryn speak on why happy employees are not a warm, fuzzy fantasy, but add to the bottom line of every business. Even big, profitable companies are leaving money on the table if their staff is “sleepwalking...
Put some clear and concise content in here. Keep your reader in mind. What are they trying to do? What are they hoping to learn? Why are they reading this? Help them out and use the tone and voice of your organization.
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