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The HaBO Village Podcast

Key Things to Consider When Planning a New Initiative [Podcast]

Episode 197: Michael and Kathryn discuss the tactical things you need to consider if you’re starting a new initiative in your company.  Find out what questions you should be asking yourself and how to set and work toward your short and long term goals. If you've got a new initiative on the horizon, be sure to give this episode a listen.

Planning team meeting illustration

In This Episode You Will...

  • Discover how to articulate the WHAT and WHY when it comes to your new initiative and how this will help you overcome future obstacles.

  • Find out what specific questions to ask yourself as you plan your next move.

  • Hear how Michael and Kathryn use SMART goals as a integral part of their planning process. 

“Your WHY is critical for helping your customers know that you're somebody they want to purchase from."
- Michael K. Redman

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Transcript coming soon.