HaBO Village Podcast | Business and Leadership

Why We Believe in YOU as a Leader [Podcast]

Written by HaBO Village Team | May 26, 2020

Episode 109Michael and Kathryn take the time to encourage you and remind you that you are not alone in the midst of this season of COVID-19. As leaders, the best thing you can do in the hard times is to think back to all the moments you thought you were going to fail, but didn’t. This will give you hope and perspective that while you may not see it yet, there IS a way forward.  

In This Episode You Will...

  • Discover how using the victories of your past will help change your perspective about the future.
  • Find out why the simple statement of, “You are not alone” is so powerful and what it can give you in the long run. 
  • Learn how to be encouraged in the dark times and the best ways to fill up your empty tank. 
Storms come and go. You are resourceful. You have community. You have grit. You have a proven history of solving problems that you need to remember. You can do this."
- Michael K. Redman



Grit by Angela Duckworth

Terry Walling




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