HaBO Village Podcast | Business and Leadership

Talking vs. Doing: How to Achieve the Big Dream You Have for Your Company [Podcast]

Written by HaBO Village Team | July 30, 2019

Episode 73:  Michael and Kathryn describe how to take steps toward your big ideas and goals instead of just talking about them. If you think you're the kind of business leader that has a tendency to sometimes be a talker instead of a doer, then this episode is for you!

In This Episode You Will...

  • Discover the mistakes leaders make when setting short term and long term goals.
  • Find out why having a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is good for you and your team.
  • Learn how to identify opportunities in the present that will help you achieve your future goals.
  • Hear a metaphor for perseverance involving scrambled eggs and a cinnamon roll.
"At some point, with all your ideas that you have as a leader, you have to commit to something... and you have to commit long term."– Michael Redman


  1. BHAG - a Big Hairy Audacious Goal

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